
Sacrimony #1-7: A Fantasy Comic About Love, Life and Death

Created by M Sorcier

A demon-winged girl who mysteriously rose from the dead tries to live a normal life in a city that wants her dead yet again.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Buddy and Friend #3 is LIVE!
1 day ago – Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 07:33:44 AM

Hey there, wonderful backers!

The Misadventures of Buddy and Friend is live! We had a great launch day on Monday and we're 30% funded. 

If Sacrimony made you depressed, I highly recommend The Misadventures of Buddy and Friend as a pick me up! If you're new to the series, I've got lots of affordable catch-up tiers in both digital and physical format!

Click here to check out The Misadventures of Buddy and Friend! 15 days left to go on this one!

Thanks so much for your support!

Shipping is complete! (Mostly!)
13 days ago – Fri, Sep 06, 2024 at 10:01:09 AM

Hello there, wonderful backers!

Aside from a couple of stragglers who haven't yet filled out their surveys, shipping is officially complete! Huzzah!

And now for some slightly embarrassing news:
While I was doing bookplates, I messed up one on an Astral Romance variant (the bookplate landed way crooked, I tried to pull it off and it didn't go well). I usually plan for these things because there's always at least one bookplate that I can't get right, so I set the book aside to keep in my own personal stash, however, I didn't keep track of where I put it specifically and it ended up getting sent out to ???someone???

If you're the ???unlucky recipient??? of that Astral Romance variant with the ripped, crooked bookplate on the inside front cover, PLEASE message me and let me know (along with a pic for proof so I don't get like 4 people saying they're the ones who got it) and I'll send you a replacement free of charge. You don't even have to mail anything back.

Last but not least and much less embarrassing, The Misadventures of Buddy and Friend is set to launch in TEN DAYS from now and I'm really excited to bring this third issue of absolute chaos and critical fails into this world. If you're not yet following the campaign, here's the link to do so. 

There's a stretch goal that will be unlocked once we hit 100 followers. It will remain a mystery until we hit 80 followers!

If you've never heard of The Misadventures of Buddy and Friend and want to know what it's about, these two pages sum it up pretty well...

And in case you were wondering, yes it was written and drawn entirely by me. I like to switch up art and writing styles to keep things fresh. I don't just want to do one thing over and over again because that's how I end up getting bored.

Also, if Sacrimony made you depressed, then I prescribe Buddy and Friend as a remedy. (Note: I'm not a real doctor. I don't even play one on TV. But trust me on this).

Anyway, here's that link again. 

Thanks so much for your support!

The goods are here!
20 days ago – Fri, Aug 30, 2024 at 09:32:40 AM

Hello there, wonderful backers!

As of this morning, all the goods have arrived and they all look fantastic!

Yesterday, I sent out notices to update your shipping information on BackerKit. You've got today and tomorrow to do so, if you haven't done so already and then books will start being shipped out on Monday. Digital comics will also go out on Monday as I like to release everything into the wild at once. 

After that, everything will be wrapped up all nice and neat and then onto the next thing! Because can't stop won't stop no sleep please help!

On September 16, I'm launching a campaign for issue #3 of The Misadventures of Buddy and Friend. 

If you've never heard of Buddy and friend, it's a cute fantasy comedy that's also hilariously violent. It feels a like like a D&D campaign where everyone keeps rolling a 1 for all the important things or also, just general Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail type vibes. It's the story of three bumbling idiots trying to save the world from a demon invasion and just generally sucking at their jobs.

(Also, if you found Sacrimony incredibly depressing, Buddy and Friend is the perfect pick me up.)

If we can get to 100 followers before launch, the first stretch goal will be unlocked. That'll be revealed at 80 followers. Let's go

Click here to follow Buddy and Friend! Let's get to that 100 follower mark!

Also there's just five days to go on my pal Jon Westhoff's Drumsticks of Doom! If you missed the zoop campaign/don't zoop, he's brought the comic back to Kickstarter just for you! If you like heavy metal, do yourself a favor and check out the series ;)

Click here to back Drumsticks of Doom: Band on the Silver Mountain!

Submitted to print!
about 2 months ago – Wed, Jul 24, 2024 at 11:05:26 AM

Hello there, wonderful backers!

Just letting you know that books, stickers and prints have been submitted to the printers. A lot of printers have been way backlogged with orders but here's hoping the one I picked isn't and we can get our books within less than a month's time. I even picked pricier 2nd day air shipping to speed up the process, just in case. 

If at any point it seems like the printers are taking longer than they should, I'll let you know. Once I receive the physical books from the printers and begin shipping, I'll start sending out digital rewards as well. 

In the meanwhile, since evil never truly rests, I'll be working on The Misadventures of Buddy and Friend #3 and I'll try to have a prelaunch page for that as soon as possible. I'm aiming to launch hopefully by the end of August, but that depends on how fast I can finish the book and if life doesn't get in the way (as it is wont to do).

Anyway, that's it for now and thanks so much for your support!


Still Waiting!
2 months ago – Sun, Jul 14, 2024 at 09:42:30 AM

Hi there, wonderful backers!

Just giving a quick update about the situation right now. I'm still waiting for the last two cameo backers to give me reference for their cameo appearances. If you're one of those backers and you're reading this, you have until the 19th to give me the info I asked for. If not, I'm going on with printing the book without you and you'll be refunded for your cameo. 

Meanwhile, if you still haven't filled out your survey, this also means you have until the 19th to still get your name into the thank you section of the printed book and pdf so that's a nice lil extension I guess. 

The cost of the printer that I was originally going to use has risen exponentially, almost double what I was going to pay so I'll be using a different printer. The new printer can't do 80# paper on the inside but I've worked with them in the past and they're quick and reliable. We're going to get 70# interior paper, which still feels nicer than 'standard' comic paper. 

I'll be submitting everything to print by July 24th and books should get back to me around mid August. I'll do another update on the 24th to let you all know how things are going.

As always, thanks so much for your support!

Also, check out this campaign by a dear friend and grizzled webcomics veteran, Mariah!

Usual Haunts #1 Print Collection - A NSFW vampire comic

Usual Haunts is a nsfw, slice of life/romantic comedy comic series about vampires! It is 18+ and not for minors! If you're a fan of vampire media like What We Do In the Shadows or Vampire the Masquerade and erotic comics like Alfie, Sweet Paprika, or Iron Circus’ Smut Peddler anthologies, Usual Haunts is right up your alley. 

She's got just seven days left to go and still has yet to get to the halfway funded mark! Let's get this sexy vampire goodness fully funded!

Click here to check out Usual Haunts! You'll also find a print drawn by yours truly in the swag bundle tiers ;)