
Sacrimony #1-7: A Fantasy Comic About Love, Life and Death

Created by M Sorcier

A demon-winged girl who mysteriously rose from the dead tries to live a normal life in a city that wants her dead yet again.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys are going out soon!
3 months ago – Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 10:36:50 AM

Hello, wonderful backers!

Just letting you know that surveys will be going out over the next couple of days so we can start getting this show on the road ASAP. You've got until July 12 to fill out the survey if you want to have your name show up in the Thank You section of both the printed and digital books.

Keep an eye out for an email from BackerKit ;)

That's all for now and I'll keep you posted on how things are coming along!

Thanks so much for your support,

Thank you!
3 months ago – Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 08:03:20 AM

Hello there, wonderful backers!

For those of you who celebrated Father's Day, I hope you had a great weekend! For those of you who didn't celebrate Father's Day, I hope you also had a great weekend!

Anyway THANK YOU for helping bring Sacrimony #7 to life! I've had a lot of setbacks when it came to making this book a thing. It's taken me almost a whole year between Sacrimony #6 and #7, from not knowing what direction to go with the art to lots of terrible life things coming up all at once, but we made it finally and it's very satisfying. 

So what happens now?

First off, there are a few folks who's cards have errored and payment hasn't gone through. Kickstarter will contact you to update your payment info so that payment can be processed and you can get the goods.

Second, I'm working on surveys through BackerKit this week and they should be ready to send out by the end of next week. From then, you've got until July 12th to fill it out if you want your name to be included in the thank you section of the printed book. 

In the meanwhile, I'll be reaching out to folks who got cameo rewards so I can get those draw-ins done before I submit the book to print on July 12th. 

In terms of stretch goals, we hit a few in the last few days and unlocked some extra stuff. On the physical book front, we've got a cover and paper upgrade, so the book will feel a lot nicer to caress. On the digital front, an extra bonus sketch will be added to the pdf of Sacrimony #7 AND all backers will get a digital Artist's Edition pdf with just the black and white line art.

I think that's all I have to report for now. The next update I send out will be when the surveys are out.

Thanks so much for helping me bring another issue of love, life and death (in no particular order) into this world! This book couldn't have happened without you <3

Oh also for those who are wondering how Muffin is doing, he's recovered well and doesn't need to wear a cone anymore. His foot's healed up nicely and everything's back to normal. Huzzah! 

And last but not least, my comics partner in crime, Jon Westhoff has a Zoop campaign going on for the newest issue of Drumsticks of Doom and you should totally check it out. Zoop has been interesting because it's more of an a la carte online shopping experience instead of having to figure out which "bundle" you want like on Kickstarter. I'm digging it.

"When Black Sabbath (not the Beatles) became the world’s most famous band, the universe was changed, musically and otherwise. Lost arts, like Alchemy, were made common, schools taught about transfiguration and alternate science, Demons were summoned and some stuck around.

Lana LOVES music. She has played in bands all through high school and now, in college, she still plays in her ex’s fledgling metal band. She’s convinced their drummer to play her indie songs in secret. She's finishing up the best practice yet when they are drawn into a spiritual battle to keep metal on the top of the charts."

He's got 16 days left to go and is a bit over halfway there. Also check out this adorable arachnigator plush that I'm very invested in.

Seriously, if this doesn't make you want to back the campaign, I don't know what will at this point. 

Here's the link for the newest issue of Drumsticks of Doom!

Stretch Goal and Milestones!
4 months ago – Wed, Jun 05, 2024 at 09:07:17 AM

Hello there, wonderful backers!

First off, to those of you who are first time backers here, allow me to introduce myself, as I haven't yet done that. 

I'm Matta Sorcier and I'm the artist/writer/one person team behind Sacrimony. I'm entirely self taught in both the art and writing department, I've spent most of my life as a transient soul drifting from one soul sucking, minimum wage retail job/dead end internship to another and I've never won an award for anything creative in my life ever. I've been rejected by every non-scammy publisher I've applied to and I started my self publishing journey with Sacrimony pretty "late" in life at 36.

I've made a lot of mistakes in my life and in my career and I don't "dream big." There's never been a time where I've imagined Sacrimony to become this huge mainstream thing with its own Netflix series or million dollar movie deal or whatever. I work on it because I enjoy working on it and I turned to Kickstarter because I wanted to get the story out there in whatever way I could to whoever wants to read it. 

And it's working. People are finally noticing. 

My name and stories may not be recognized by millions of people, but the fact that what I do is special to a couple hundred people out here is very special to me. 

So hey, to those who have been with me in the trenches since the early days of Kickstarting, thanks so much for sticking with me and seeing where the story goes. And to those who are just tuning in, thanks for stopping by and deciding to give Sacrimony a chance. 

Anyway, let's talk about some stretch goals!

First off, we've got some handy dandy book upgrades in store. The thicker cover and thicker paper will make the art pop. I do have more stretch goals in mind if we cross the $4750 mark, but we'll burn that bridge when we get to it.

With my milestone goals, I like add more digital rewards. We're getting closer and closer to the artist's edition pdf, which is something I'm offering for the first time. 

Returning backers might recognize the 180 backer goal where I come up with more bonus material depending on how many backers we end up with. 

Let's see how many cool things we can unlock in the remaining 9 days. If you can help spread the word about the campaign, that'd be a huge help!

Thanks so much for your support,

Life is all about comedic timing..
4 months ago – Wed, May 29, 2024 at 01:55:17 PM

Me this morning: Oh hey the Kickstarter is nearly funded and we've got Project we Love for the NINTH time since I started! This is going great! Time to type out a banger of an update to let everyone know how much I love and appreciate them!
Muffin: Uhh... hey, so I suddenly have an abscess on my foot that exploded. Looks like we're gunna have to spend half the day and $800 at the emergency vet. Sorry, I don't make the rules.
Five hours and one cone later...

But anyway, yes as I write this, we are just $150 away from funding with a whopping 16 days left to go and as of last night, we have the coveted Project We Love title for the ninth time. Thank you all for giving us a super solid first two days. 

I'll be rolling out the stretch goals by next Monday when I can get a better idea as to where the campaign is going to end up. For now, Muffin and I need a nap because it's been a long day. 

Thanks so much for your support!

New Tier Added!
4 months ago – Mon, May 27, 2024 at 08:38:22 AM

Hello, wonderful backers!

Thanks so much for such a strong start in literally less than the first two hours of being live! I've been messaged, asking if I could make a new tier for a digital version of the Astral Romance variant and I'm happy to say that tier now exists! The digital Astral Romance variant is also available as an add-on just in case that's how anyone wants to roll. 

More about  me and the comic later. For now, I'm going to step away from my computer and stop obsessively refreshing the page, which is a lot harder than it sounds.

Also, be sure to catch me tonight at 7:30PM EST on Bitten Apple TV where I regularly cohost, because we'll be doing a Special Sacrimony Episode!

Thanks so much for your support!